Inspirational bengali proverbs
Inspirational bengali proverbs

Use these and give a touch of traditionalism to your wedding invites. The below quotes are from Indian wedding rituals and can be used in wedding invitation cards. Read More - 10 Minimal Invitation Ideas for the Couples Indian Wedding Rituals Quotes You and I, in essence, complete each other. If I am a strain of music, then you are the song that stems from it. If I am the mind, you are the word that manifests from its thoughts. I transmit energy while you receive it from me. Translation: I am the sky and you are the earth. 'Dher Aham Prithvi Tvam, Retoham Retabhru Tvam, Manoham Asmi Vaktam, Samaham Asmi Rikritvam, Sa Maam Anuvruta Bhava’ I tie this around your neck, O maiden having many auspicious attributes, May you live happily for a hundred years. ‘Mangalyam Tantunanena Mama Jivana Hethuna, Kanthe Badhnami Subhage Twam Jeeva Sarada Satam’ We have walked seven steps together let us be friends. Translation: You have walked seven steps with me be my friend. ‘Sakha Sapta Pada Bhava, Sakhayau Saptapada Babhuva, Sakhyante Gameyam, Sakhyatte Mayosham, Sakhyanme Mayoshtha’ Translation: I promise to never walk away from my spouse for reasons pertaining to my work, my finances, my desires or spirituality. ‘Dharmecha, Arthecha, Kamecha, Mokshecha.

inspirational bengali proverbs inspirational bengali proverbs

Here are some wedding invitation quotes that will melt your heart:

#Inspirational bengali proverbs full#

The good old words full of wisdom never fail to grab the attention. When heard, these Indian wedding quotes may appear corny, but they are all heartfelt.

inspirational bengali proverbs

Most couples prefer quotes in regional languages or languages used in ancient texts – like Sanskrit and Hindi.

Inspirational bengali proverbs